
Forward is the Motion

Forward is the Motion

In a world dominated by big-box retailers and e-commerce giants, it is crucial to recognize the significance of shopping locally and supporting small businesses. Shopping locally not only contributes to the vibrancy and resilience of communities but also fosters sustainability and economic growth...
The Power of Slow Fashion

The Power of Slow Fashion

In a world obsessed with fast-paced trends and disposable fashion, a movement has emerged that encourages us to slow down, think consciously, and embrace sustainable style. Slow fashion, an alternative to the fast fashion industry, prioritizes ethical practices, quality craftsmanship, and environ...
The Tragic Truth About Fast Fashion

The Tragic Truth About Fast Fashion

  In today's fast-paced consumer culture, the fashion industry often hides a dark secret. Unethical practices, including exploitative labor conditions, environmental degradation, and rampant consumerism, have become pervasive. However, there is a glimmer of hope: sustainable fashion. In this blog...
Introducing GB Home & Hospitality

Introducing GB Home & Hospitality

Local businesses survive when they get innovative about growth & partnership, and we're no different! As a part of our evolution we're excited to launch our new division, GB Home & Hospitality. This arm of our B Corp aims to expand our company’s ability to create living wage work for women in the typically outsourced textile arts.

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