
Phone Justice

Phone Justice

The COVID 19 pandemic has unarguably impacted everyone in some way. In March 2020 I was sent home from school to live with my parents. As a late bloomer, most of my friends consist of people I met in college. People who were suddenly living hours away, countries away. Staying connected with my su...
Textile Waste Is The Crisis We Need to Tackle

Textile Waste Is The Crisis We Need to Tackle

During an era where we are all first person witnesses to a climate crisis, we must turn our attention to textile waste. Why? Because textile waste must be reduced-if not stopped entirely. Our landfills, packed already with signs of our overconsumption, are being filled ever more quickly with text...
Why do jails still require women to pay for hygienic products?

Why do jails still require women to pay for hygienic products?

You’d think that since menstrual cycles aren’t something that are controlled nor optional, that hygienic products would simply be free. Why must women have to pay for something they can’t control? A woman menstruates for an average of 2,535 days in her lifetime, or almost 7 years of 39. Affording...
Fund Prison Libraries NOW

Fund Prison Libraries NOW

For me, as a representative of Gen Z and a minority group, reading books is another way for me to leave harsh realities behind (COVID, political stress, climate change, racial turmoil.) Reading the likes of James Baldwin offers me a priceless perspective in this moment of deep challenge, and book...

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